Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mirror Play Part 2

"The door is open, come in."

She turns the knob and pushes, the door gave way and she walks in.

Michael in a baby blue terry cloth robe stood in the living room holding the receiver.

He looked at her with a smirk on his face. Jacqueline looks up at him and snaps her cell closed, she smiled not understanding what the look was for.

He walks towards her and gently kisses her.

“Come on, I have a surprise for you .”

Looking back she sees she needed him to invade her. She wanted him too, and a part of her wants him to search deeper.

He held out his hand and led her to his den area. Jacqueline is amazed at the transformation, Lit candles surrounded them casting soft shadows against the walls. They all brilliantly displayed on the mantle, entertainment center, even on his coffee table. Every one of his furniture where moved to accommodate what she assumed to be his air mattress, that was placed in the center of the room…covered with sheets, comforters and beautiful pillows that are stacked carefully on the bed and when she looked closer petals of different color roses sprinkled all on the cushions of the couch and bed…it was beautiful. When she walked further in she saw a mirror placed right across the bed…it was leaning against the wall with two marble candle holders supporting it on each end.

“Before we begin, we are going to have to set ground rules.”

“First one is trust.”

“What I mean by that not only are you going to have to trust me, but you’re going to have to trust my judgment.”

“I know it’s something that is earned that’s why we are playing games, but in time it won’t be, but that solely depends on you and how comfortable you feel about this!”

“Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“I really want to get to know you and understand how your body works. That’s very important!”

“Your job is to also let me know what your limits are.”

“Speak to me Jacky!”

“I’m not sure what to say?”

“It’s allot I know, you understand it’s something you have to want to do, I can’t convince or force you.”

He plants another kiss on her and whispered…”I want you to believe that I have earned it.”

She laid her head against his chest..”I’m scared. I want to do it, I really do, I’m just so afraid from last time.”

Holding her by the shoulder he stepped back looked her in the eyes. “You were perfect! You gave me more that I would ever expect.”

“Baby you were so beautiful!”

Pulled her close and kissed her again. His demanding tongue darts between her lips, searching deep into her mouth were there passion ignited. Tongues intertwined, both of them longing for each other.

He pulls them apart, and walks backwards into the den. Never losing eye contact.

“Here’s your first order. Don’t worry it’s not difficult at all.”

She waits painfully as his eyes stalks her body.

“Take all your clothes off, and then walk to me.”

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